We have some good news and an important call to action regarding our big cats. To skip straight to the call to action, go to this Public Comment Link and click Agree Completely. For context, continue on!
Nearly two years ago, our coalition presented the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department with a petition to better manage, monitor, and conserve mountain lions in our state. While TPWD denied that petition (despite having the written support of thousands of Texans), the good news is that TPWD created a stakeholder advisory group to explore the status of mountain lions and where consensus could be found. The group met five times in 2023 and included cattle ranchers, sheep raisers, hunters, trappers, landowners, scientists, and conservationists. After much lively discussion, the stakeholder group found consensus that 1) mountain lions are an important part of the Texas landscape and culture, 2) Texas needs more research data, 3) canned hunting of lions should be illegal, and 4) Texas needs a mountain lion management plan. The group was split on the necessity of mandatory reporting for harvest and a 36-hour trap check standard.
The group’s findings were presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife commissioners in January 2024 and were received with genuine interest. In response, Chairman Jeff Hildebrand directed the TPWD staff to put two important actions out for public comment, to be considered for a vote at the May 23, 2024 commission meeting: 1. To prohibit canned hunting of mountain lions, and 2. To create a trap check requirement that makes it illegal to hold a mountain lion for more than 36 hours.
These actions are incredibly important, and the commissioners need to know there is vast public support. Please take a few moments to go to this Public Comment Link and choose “Agree Completely”.
Here’s why these actions are important:
This is the first time in Texas history that a vote will be held to recognize this apex carnivore as an incredible species that should be conserved and managed respectfully. It is a historic opportunity to support this symbol of wildness in our home. The deadline for comment is May 21. Please, add your support right now at this Public Comment Link.
Thank you,
The Texans for Mountain Lions Coalition
For more information, check out the mountain lion resource guide.
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Let Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas state officials know that you support the sustainable management of mountain lions using the form.
The letter will be emailed to the following people/offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, your State Senator, your State Representative, TPWD Wildlife Division, and TPWD Executive Director-Carter Smith.
P.O. Box 2484
Alpine, TX 79831